Mana Leader Hone Harawira When Donald Brash talks in glowing terms about Hobson’s Pledge and his determination to take away rights guaranteed under the Treaty of Waitangi, he sounds awfully like Donald Trump offering Muslims and Mexicans and Black American’s his version of Hobson’s Choice – the White Way or the Highway. Well, good luck […]

Helen Clark’s bid opposed at United Nations

Helen Clark’s bid opposed at United Nations

 Joe Trinder Recently Tina Ngata from Gisborne flew to the United Nations in New York  to address the permanent forum for indigenous issues. Previous to Ms Ngata’s forthright speech to the United Nations she was given advice not to reveal the content of her speech in case her speaking rights were sabotaged. The speech ruffled a […]

Campaign to undermine Helen Clark’s bid for the United Nations.

Campaign to undermine Helen Clark’s bid for the United Nations.

 Joe Trinder A letter writing and phone call campaign to undermine Ms Helen Clark’s opportunity of becoming the next Secretary General of the United Nations has begun.  The campaign consists of everyday grass roots New Zealanders writing formal letters addressed to member states of the United Nations. Particularly countries that suffered greatly during European colonisation. […]

Why Māori voters overwhelmingly rejected the flag referendum

Why Māori voters overwhelmingly rejected the flag referendum

 Joe Trinder The seven Māori electorates had the highest rejection for flag change in the country. The most resistant electorate was Te Tai Tokerau voting 78.5% against flag change. Even former MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Hone Harawira made an appeal to the electorate for change. His anti colonial argument for change made sense and […]

Prime Minister “Get some guts! and go to Waitangi”

Prime Minister “Get some guts! and go to Waitangi”

 Joe Trinder The Prime Minister has the courage to send other peoples family members to a war-zone in Iraq but lacks the courage to attend the 176th commemoration of the signing of our founding national document the Treaty of Waitangi.   The army of well paid  spin doctors in the Prime ministers office have come up with […]

Kaitaia Airport Iwi bullied off their own land by Finlayson

Kaitaia Airport Iwi bullied off their own land by Finlayson

 Mana News editor Joe Trinder The first crown rule to Treaty settlement is the colonial strategy of divide and conquer. Get everyone to compromise during the infighting, offer the least settlement possible. Te Hiku Settlement Bill passed into legislation on 9th September,2015.  It was a momentous occasion for four of  5 Muriwhenua Iwi : Ngāti Kuri, […]

King Tuheitia facing down colonial amnesia

King Tuheitia facing down colonial amnesia

 Mana News editor Joe Trinder The mainstream media have succeeded in persuading the public to dismiss King Tuheitia claim on Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) Stuff published this article written by an anonymous editor and sought the opinion of self appointed Auckland based plumber David Rankin as somehow representative of Ngapuhi. Stuff also declared the Maori King had been told […]

Not One Acre More

Not One Acre More

By Marise Lant If you oppose the Te Ture Whenua Maori Bill 2015 as a descendant of Tipuna who were recruited into the 28th Maori Battalion, who were instrumental in the protection of Maori lands. Please download and complete this form and mail your submission to TPK. [embeddoc url=”http://mananews.co.nz/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Submission-on-Te-Ture-Whenua-Māori-Exposure-Bill-2015-Individual-Draft-Form.docx” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]



 Mana Leader Hone Harawira Urgency Applications to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement   On 23 June 2015, two Waitangi Tribunal claims were filed alleging that the Crown’s negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement were in breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Wai 2522: a claim lodged by Papaarangi M J Reid, Moana […]