They used to call us “terrorists”.

They used to call us "terrorists".

They used to call us “terrorists”.

There is a correlation of laws being passed by successive governments and the disempowerment of Māori. The Takutai Moana bill of 2004 was the biggest modern day raupatu under legislation. Being outspoken does not make you a “terrorist.” I do not support terrorism or hate speech in any form and we should not have to […]

Violence against children a European import

Violence against children a European import

 Ian Daynes  Some years ago while waiting in the Otara library for a bus on successive days I read a book about Maggie Papakura, who I had never heard of before. Maggie Papakura  was chiefly famous as a tour guide in Rotorua in the middle of the nineteenth century and later was a pioneer in […]

Why Māori voters overwhelmingly rejected the flag referendum

Why Māori voters overwhelmingly rejected the flag referendum

 Joe Trinder The seven Māori electorates had the highest rejection for flag change in the country. The most resistant electorate was Te Tai Tokerau voting 78.5% against flag change. Even former MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Hone Harawira made an appeal to the electorate for change. His anti colonial argument for change made sense and […]



 Mana leader Hone Harawira “I’ve already chosen the flag that fits best with my heart, my soul, my life – the Maori flag. It’s the one that we designed, it carries the colours of my world, and it speaks of our history, our place in the cosmos, and the possibilities that lie ahead of us […]

MANA MOVEMENT The Challenge of 2017.

MANA MOVEMENT The Challenge of 2017.

By Kirihimete of Waiariki Rohe. We  must be prepared to hoe our 2017 Mana Waka on our own and look to position Mana in a positive position for 2017. From the 2014 election, Labour will be endeavouring to make sure it holds the Maori seats that it won, and will make an all out assault on […]

The Talleyban want to control our Facebook and Social networking.

The Talleyban want to control our Facebook and Social networking.

 Mana News editor Joe Trinder Talley’s have laid down their demands to the New Zealand Meat-Workers Union. The accusations by Talley’s management is a direct order to control our personal Facebook accounts and News Blogs. In my Facebook video I clearly stipulated to the public that under no circumstance to damage Talley’s products with their car keys. Talley’s […]

I don’t see any real leadership

I don’t see any real leadership

 Rueben Taipari Porter Well I have been watching and listening to all the issues in front of us. The TPPA, the Ture whenua Maori Act review, Water allocation, Reo Maori Bill, Housing price increases, Dairy pricedrops, Flag reviews,Oil company presence, GE trees da di dah and it all gets a bit overwhelming. But most of […]

Healing through Unity

Healing through Unity

 Mana News editor Joe Trinder There has been a call for healing between the Mana Movement and Maori party. For sincere healing to occur it’s essential for both organisations have many Hui and find some common ground, Ideally these Hui should come to a conclusion and agree on a reciprocal relationship that benefits both organisations. The […]

Facebook As A Campaign Tool

Facebook As A Campaign Tool

All political parties use Facebook, but the smaller ones on the Left do it best because Facebook is about connecting people and that’s a very good match to small-party kaupapa.  Facebook is free so rank and file supporters can easily join in and campaign on a shoestring, as all they need is a computer and […]

Mana Hui-a-Tau 2015: Guest speakers

Mana Hui-a-Tau 2015: Guest speakers

 Tim Selwyn Mana News editor Kia ora, Mana members and supporters. Joe and Hone asked me to blog for the Mana News, and I happily accepted. I’m with the Opotiki branch, but I thought I’d start by writing about last weekend’s AGM in Auckland. Not the actual AGM, but the guest speakers we had on […]

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