Tino Flag v1 1990- v2 2022

Tino Flag v1 1990-        v2    2022

The Aboriginal flag was a powerful indigenous symbol in Australia. Their tohu became the inspiration to a Māori flag. In the lead up to the 150 years commemoration of the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Te Kotahitanga o Aotearoa planned events and actions to highlight the injustices of Māori. Through ongoing protest, Waitangi Day […]

Hui Whakatāpapa, Waitangi 1997

Hui Whakatāpapa, Waitangi 1997

1997 Hui Whakatāpapa    Te Hui Whakatāpapa was convened by Te Kawariki and Te Taumata Kaumātua o Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu at Waitangi on February 4-5, 1997. Ko te tikanga o tēei rārangi kōrero arā Whakatāpapa, e hāngai atu ana ki te hunga e whakatō kākano ana i roto i te māra matauranga. Kia puāwai hei tuāpapa […]