A High Court legal challenge is being prepared to tackle the government’s plans to sell state houses in Tauranga. State Housing Action Incorporated was registered as an incorporated society last week and will become the plaintiff in the planned judicial review. SHA Inc. is being represented in court by a team led by Tauranga barrister Michael Sharp. Tauranga […]
Joe Trinder As the country goes beyond the point of no return in a housing crisis the National Government is in denial a crisis exists. By avoiding using the word “crisis” under instruction from Cosby Textor spin doctors are using language like “Issue” or “Challenge”. The National government have openly admitted they want to protect homeowners equity. […]
John Minto SHAN Convenor State Housing Action Network (SHAN) has written to the IHC urging it not to buy state housing from the government (see letter pasted below) IHC has emerged as the most likely buyer of over 1000 state houses in Tauranga. The government wants to sell to a single buyer and the IHC […]
John Minto -State Housing Action Network The loudest cheers at any National Party conference come when a government minister announces another attack on social welfare recipients. It was Paula Bennett’s turn to throw some red meat to National’s blue-rinse bludgers this year with another populist attack on state house tenants. Such is the loathing National […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder Influence peddling is the illegal practice of using one’s influence in government or connections with persons in authority to obtain favours or preferential treatment for another, usually in return for payment. Whenever I ask these simple questions, Peniaphobic Tory’s with a fear of the poor people get enraged with accusations of conspiracy […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder Q&A TVNZ Sunday 19th July Michelle Boag the former National party president talks about diversifying investment in the stock market and how first home buyers have expectations of wanting a three room villa in Grey Lynn. Boag explained how the National government are not to blame for housing supply and demand issue […]
Naani Abercrombie A quick analysis of the Property Tax Measures to be introduced in October suggests these will do little to curb the Auckland housing bubble. The Government and their cronies have used a newfound intolerance of xenophobia to distract us from the fact that they are doing nothing to soften the demand side of […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder The new tax laws being proposed by the National government are not going to prevent foreign property speculation they are a feeble attempt designed to appease the public that the government has taken action. These New Tax laws are not a deterrent just a few minor roadblocks to foreign venture capitalists. All non-residents must provide […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder The Housing minister Nick Smith has rejected a foreign buyers register to identify non-resident foreign property speculators. The minister has decided property speculator’s should submit a New Zealand IRD number, tax identification number from their own country and current identification. The National government has accused labour of releasing poor data that people with Chinese […]
Mana vice president John Minto Invercargill is on the front line of National’s attack on state housing and there is an historic responsibility on the city to resist this policy – to fight it and defeat it. E nga whare ki tu nei – Lindisfarne Community Centre – tena koe E nga tangata whenua o […]