Mana News editor Joe Trinder The anti smacking bill has nothing to do with child discipline that was a false perception created by the National party. Section 59 of the New Zealand Crimes Act meant children had the higher civil rights than livestock. Before Section 59 of the New Zealand Crimes Act parents had the right to […]
Rueben Taipari Porter With my stunning result of 55 votes, beaten even by the Legalize Cannab1s party, you would think that I would crawl under a rock and hide… But after studying the result figures I didn’t do too bad. Focus Northland and the other candidates chose to vote strategically while National and Labour candidates […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder Mr James Broughton makes bizzare comments on the Mana Movement facebook page. Mr Broughton claims he is a Labour party supporter but his Facebook page doesn’t support that claim. Mr Broughton doesnt approve of the Mana candidate for Northland by-election Rueben Taipari Porter Rueben Taipari Porter was a Mayoral candidate […]
David Round the author of Truth or Treaty? is a Canterbury university academic making absurd claims to the New Zealand public that Maori are privileged and the aristocracy. David Round “You get a lighter sentence than anyone else if you are a member of the Maori aristocracy Too bad if you are just a stupid common old white […]
Mana Movement recently received a request from Australia to support the Aboriginal communities being forced off their land. So let’s get on our Mana gears and hold up a sign in solidarity with Aboriginal communities. Please post your picture of yourself holding a sign in comments below. Kia ora MANA Wahine, my name is Alison. I didn’t […]
Waka Ama Secondary School Nationals in Rotorua Venue: Tikitapu – Blue Lake, Rotorua Date: Tue 24th Mar – Fri 27th Mar 2015 Distance: Sprints Click here
Linda Socialist Aotearoa By any measure, the housing market in Auckland is overheated. Thousands of Kiwi first home buyers are being forced out by Speculators looking for a way to trade printed money for physical assets. New Zealanders are witnessing the effects of the quantitative easing “tsunami” washing up on our shores. Some see this […]
Mana leader Hone Harawira A few months ago Tariana Turia launched her social housing policy in Kaitaia, where Ricky Houghton is trying to build a community for people struggling to get a home to live in, using some of the houses taken from Glen Innes after people had been evicted and their homes removed, in […]
Melissa Brown- Campaign manager Comments such as “we need people like him in parliament… we can trust he will put the interests of the people and economic systems before profit” and “thank you for what you have done thus far…much respect” have been humbling for the organic farmer and family man from Ahipara. With mainstream […]
Roast busters petition click here Confidence in the justice system is a fundamental democratic responsibility especially confidence in the justice system where citizens require the state to act on their behalf. The failure to properly investigate in a timely manner serious allegations of sexual abuse and rape and cyber bullying has prejudiced the victims ability to […]