Media conspiracy against Mana Movement

mb2 Melissa Brown- Campaign manager


Comments such as “we need people like him in parliament… we can trust he will put the interests of the people and economic systems before profit” and “thank you for what you have done thus far…much respect” have been humbling for the organic farmer and family man from Ahipara.

With mainstream media focused on the major parties, this type of grassroots support using modern technology is vital to ensure Northlanders, particularly the youth, are aware of the major issues that may affect them enabling people to make an informed decision when they cast their vote.
According to Mr Porter it has been difficult to get exposure through mainstream media and feels it is a deliberate attempt to avoid addressing issues such as stopping statoil and The TPPA which, in his view will have a major impact on not just Northland but the whole of NZ. “This is typical of media to just focus on the big guys” says Porter “even though the small parties put in the same effort and more to participate in the process” he says.
A program about the Mana candidate and his family living self sustainability that screened last Sunday on Waka Huia, has almost 5000 views on youtube and has been shared all around facebook receiving plenty of positive feedback. Some face bookers have even been inspired to seek out courses on self sufficiency and sustainability after viewing the clip which is encouraging for those who know we can still be a thriving community without the detrimental effects on the environment.

Voters can place an early vote now with final day for voting on the 28th March. All information regarding the by election can be found at