Mana Movement post-election

Mana Movement post-election

  Ian Daynes Tamaki rohe With several months having gone since the general election, it is perhaps possible to see the events of that time with an increasing amount of clarity. As we all know, the Internet-Mana party was attacked at its weakest point, as everything hinged on Hone retaining his seat in his electorate. […]

The irrepressible Mr Broughton

The irrepressible Mr Broughton

Mana News editor Joe Trinder Mr James Broughton makes bizzare comments on the Mana Movement facebook page. Mr Broughton claims he is a Labour party supporter but his Facebook page doesn’t support that claim. Mr Broughton doesnt approve of the Mana candidate for Northland by-election Rueben Taipari Porter Rueben Taipari Porter was a Mayoral candidate […]

Get some guts and feed the kids

Get some guts and feed the kids

 Mana News editor Joe Trinder Today Prime minister John Key yelled  in parliament ‘Get some guts and join the right side’ and announced that the deployment of troops to the cost of $63 Million dollars. The Prime minister ignored the vote of parliament that was split and this war has not been sanctioned by parliament. The […]

Get ready for a long term war

Get ready for a long term war

 Mana News editor Joe Trinder Today the Prime minister is going to outline his deployment to Iraq. To be realistic this will be a long term engagement approximately a 10 year war, the second Iraq war was from 2003-2011 longer than world war two. Islamic state is posting videos on the internet designed to bait […]

Volunteer writers needed for Mana News

Volunteer writers needed for Mana News

If you are a Mana Movement member and would like to write articles for the Mana News we are looking for volunteers. A great opportunity to let the public know what is happening in your Rohe.  Articles based on Housing, Environment, Treaty,  Economy,  International and Policy. Please include a picture of yourself preferably wearing your Mana […]

Mana Tamaki Hui Fri 20th Feb 6pm

Mana Tamaki Hui Fri 20th Feb 6pm

Kia ora Day Friday Date 20th Feb 2015 Time 6pm Location Unite Union 6a Western spring rd Kingsland Auckland Topics  Housing Sat 21st Sept housing Hui in Panmure Minto’s back -John Minto is back from his new home in Christchurch Northland byelection –Rueben Taipari Porter is the new candidate for northland how can Mana Tamaki assist General […]

Mana Meeting west Auckland 17th Feb

Mana Meeting west Auckland 17th Feb

Mana meeting Vegan food, planing and propaganda session.  Tuesday 17th of Feb  54 a Fruitvale Rd New Lynn  Start time bang on 7:30 Come to ranch sliders at the front.