Me Whakanui 2000 Tau o Te Reo Māori

Me Whakanui  2000 Tau o Te Reo Māori

We celebrate the 2000 year survival of Te Reo Māori and 50 years of the Reo Petition. 50 Tau- Te Petihana Reo 1972 Te Huinga Rangatahi – Māori University Students Association, Te Reo Māori Society and Ngā Tamatoa were key organisations who were active in promoting and the delivery of Te Reo Māori petition in […]

MANA Movement Rolls On

MANA Movement Rolls On

THE MOVEMENT ROLLS ON Press Release: Sun 5 Nov 2017 “Let me start by congratulating Jacinda Adern. She hauled the Labour Party out of the morgue, slapped some life into them and blew away the tired old National government to become Prime Minister of a new coalition government with NZ First and the Greens. They’ve got […]



TE REO O TE TAI TOKERAU ARTICLE Thursday 2 Nov 2017, Northland Age  Nā Hone Harawira  Been an interesting couple of weeks … Jacinda Adern dragged the Labour Party out of the morgue, slapped some life into them, and with a youthful smile and bundles of energy blew away the old and tired National government, to become Prime […]


There's one mince and cheese pie left in the shop it costs $5.


By Lisa McNab ..Many New Zealanders are disgruntled that the new government does not include the largest party in Parliament – i.e. National, which won 44.4% of the vote. Some are even questioning the legitimacy of the Labour-led government. It’s worth checking out a basic but ingenious explanation of MMP coalition government from the following […]

Te Reo o Tai Tokerau- Simple Solutions

Te Reo o Tai Tokerau- Simple Solutions

Thursday 19 October 2017 . Hone Harawira Although Winston picked Labour, the real question in Tai Tokerau is what we might see from having a whole heap of Māori MPs in parliament from up north. Over the past 30 years, Māori communities in Tai Tokerau have been devastated by government economic mismanagement, massive long-term unemployment and […]

MANA- Evaluation 2017

Congratulations to the 8,000 supporters in Tai Tokerau who voted for MANA representation in the recent elections. MANA committed to a one seat strategy in 2016 and we did well.

MANA- Evaluation 2017

Congratulations to the 8,000 supporters in Tai Tokerau who voted for MANA representation in the recent elections. MANA committed to a one seat strategy in 2016 and we did well. Politics is politics. Despite working consistently over the last 3 years in our rohe and really hard in the last year, with very little putea, […]

MANA – Post 2017 Elections

It's not over yet. Believe in ourselves, believe in Māori. Our communities are small, we are always related through some connection. We do good things, we f up. We learn , we forgive ourselves and carry on.

MANA – Post 2017 Elections

Special thanks to all our kaimahi and volunteers in the recent 2014-2017 campaign. MANA Te Hiku, MANA Kaikohekohe, MANA Whangarei, MANA Rakipaewhenua, MANA Waitākere, MANA Rangatahi, MANA Tūranga, MANA Waiāriki, MANA Pōneke, MANA Newtown, MANA Pasifika, MANA Mōrehu, MANA 241 campaign, MANA National Exec, MANA Nationbuilder & MANA News Teams and Dave Curren from Ahipara. […]

Honour Mehara’s Vote

Honour Mehara’s Vote

Honour Mehara’s Vote Mehara Tamaki died suddenly in mid September at her home in Otangarei. She was a member of several youth advocacy groups  in Tai Tokerau , a national executive representative of MANA and she  had cast her first vote in the early stages of advanced voting.  Unfortunately due to her unexpected death, her […]

MANA Māori Way Forward

MANA Māori Way Forward

Ngā mihi o te wā ki a tātou katoa i raro i te manākitanga o te Kaihanga me te rangimarie ki waenganui i a tātou. The kawenata between the MANA Movement and the Māori Party in February this year showed political maturity by signalling their willingness to put their 2011 differences aside to work together for […]