Mana leader Hone Harawira Geez … all the flak I’m coppin’ from John Key and Andrew Little and Kelvin, and all we did was put out a short statement! It’s a little bit cheeky but what the hell. Anyway, here it is. Read and enjoy folks. WE’RE PUTTIN’ THE BAND BACK TOGETHER !!! “We’re puttin’ […]
Joe Trinder The findings from the Waitangi Tribunal on Wai 2478 as filed by Marise Lant have justified concerns that the changes being made by Minister of Maori Development Te Ururoa Flavell to the Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993. The Waitangi Tribunal has rejected the changes to the bill based on there has not […]
By Kirihimete of Waiariki Rohe. We must be prepared to hoe our 2017 Mana Waka on our own and look to position Mana in a positive position for 2017. From the 2014 election, Labour will be endeavouring to make sure it holds the Maori seats that it won, and will make an all out assault on […]
Mana Leader Hone Harawira made this comment to Ngāpuhi leader Sonny Tau on facebook Are you for real Sonny?Sonny Tau kicks a kuia out of the tent because she’s got a TINO flag …She wanted a drink of water. Do you know who that kuia was?One of Ngapuhi’s greatest ever warrior women that’s who.She […]
HIKOI: Te Rerenga Wairua 1 Feb TPPA MARCH: Auckland 4 Feb WAITANGI DAY: Waitangi 5-6 Feb HIKOI KI WAITANGI 2016 MON 1 FEB 06.00am Karakia at Te Rerenga Wairua 06.15am Depart Te Rerenga Wairua for Kaitaia 11.30am Gather outside Orana Motel in Kaitaia 12.00pm MARCH from Orana to Te Ahu 12.45pm SPEECHES / LUNCH at […]
John keys new flag flies with white privilege. Te aha tino toa says that the referendum flag has jumped the queue ahead of the Maori flag. It took three years to fly the Maori flag from the Auckland harbour bridge from the time the group requested it. By contrast it took three minutes for the […]
By Marise Lant In a decision released yesterday, the Waitangi Tribunal has agreed with claimants that an urgent hearing is necessary into the government’s proposed repeal of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 (the Maori Land Act). Marise Lant, a Maori Land owner, on behalf of a number of supporting parties, had asked the […]
Tracey Lee Repia It’s such a typical day when a Minister demands democracy from Kohanga Reo and the many whanau and mokopuna that it serves. The Waitangi tribunal claim Wai 2336 was taken by the Kohanga Reo trust on behalf of the many Kohanga Reo and their whanau in 2012 triggered by a publication in […]
Tracey Lee Repia In a recent media release Rachel Smalley raises some very important issues around the ratio of Women in broadcasting with Newstalk ZB. Now I am no rocket scientist but I think her statement is a fair one considering. I applaude Rachel for ‘starting the conversation’ she points out Key facts that there […]