HoneAvatar Mana leader Hone Harawira


Geez … all the flak I’m coppin’ from John Key and Andrew Little and Kelvin, and all we did was put out a short statement! It’s a little bit cheeky but what the hell. Anyway, here it is. Read and enjoy folks.


“We’re puttin’ the band back together” said MANA leader Hone Harawira. “Everyone’s been missing the MANA sound so we’re getting the band back together.

“Annette will be lead singer, we’ll have Jordan on bass, I’ll play lead guitar, and I’ll get Kereama and the Ratana Boys on percussion. John Minto’s a little ‘rhythmically challenged’ so we might get him to head up the roadie crew!”

“I got a bell from Metz, and she’s keen on doing a guest appearance or two. And I’ve jammed with Te Ururoa before and that went real well so … you never know. And if he wants to play lead that’s fine with me” said Harawira with a chuckle “It’s the music that matters”

“Not too sure about Andrew Little though. He says he’s into our kinda music, but I keep hearing him singing the same headbangin’ shit that Johny Rotten and the Stinkin’ Nats sing, and that ain’t us.

“But we won’t be playing too many new tracks when we hit the road anyway” said Harawira “It’ll be a Greatest Hits tour, with all the songs that people know and love when they come to a MANA gig.

You know them all – The Treaty Rocks, Tax the Rich to Free the Poor, Housing for the Homeless, Feed the Kids, Jobs for All, No to Deep Sea Oil – all the tracks that MANA’s taken to the Top 10.

We haven’t nutted out all the venues yet, but we’re comin’ to a town near you …