In a recent media release Rachel Smalley raises some very important issues around the ratio of Women in broadcasting with Newstalk ZB.
Now I am no rocket scientist but I think her statement is a fair one considering. I applaude Rachel for ‘starting the conversation’ she points out
Key facts that there is indeed ” a near-monopoly of male broadcasters who are shaping our perspectives, directing the course of interviews,
setting the news agenda and, ultimately, influencing our opinions and point of views” she further goes on to state that New Zealand society isn’t straight white and male, I tend to strongly agree.
Along with half the Maori and Pacific nation I couldn’t help but notice the Newstalk ZB pin up picture of broadcasters seemed to lack the various shades of brown don’t you think?
Now I happen to know some very talented well educated, smart Maori and Pasifika broadcasters, journalists, directors and behind the scenes media geniuses and I can’t stop to wonder what they think about all of this. So I say yes, let’s start this conversation if we are going to talk equality
For women, men and other cultures of Aotearoa. How about let’s start talking equality with the broadcasting agencies for Maori and Pasifika women, the problem seems to be across the board.
I think if Cameron Slater had his way, all us Maori and Women in New Zealand would be living on planet “in his dreams”…sometimes I wonder if he even lives on this planet…like seriously. Maybe his mirror could tell a few stories.