Apology to Kuia kicked out of kaumatua tent at Ngapuhi Festival


Mana Leader Hone Harawira made this comment to Ngāpuhi leader Sonny Tau  on facebook

Are you for real Sonny?
Sonny Tau kicks a kuia out of the tent   because she’s got a TINO flag …She wanted a drink of water.
Do you know who that kuia was?
One of Ngapuhi’s greatest ever warrior women that’s who.
She don’t ever make a fuss about it. She never did and she never will.
But for your information, she was payin’ her dues back when most Maori were too scared to even admit they were Maori, fighting the battles to save our kids on the streets of Auckland, fighting alongside Nga Tamatoa and the Polynesian Panthers in defence of our communities, standing with Ngati Whatua in defence of their lands at Bastion Point, marching against apartheid in South Africa and racism here in Aotearoa, marching the roads for Maori rights , standing up for our Treaty when a lot of our own people were trying to hide away from it, and giving the best years of her life in the fight for sovereignty so that iwi Maori could finally get back up off the canvas and stagger into the new world. Her name is Tomo. And she deserves better than to be treated like a .. dog.
So you track her down Sonny. And you get her whanau together. And you apologise for daring to evict one of the best women you will ever get the opportunity to meet.
PS: I ain’t anybody special Sonny, so if you want to sling shit at me you go right ahead. But Tomo deserves better …