Eleanor Catton has managed to reveal the mechanism of the National party media dictatorship this could be extremely dangerous for the survival of our democracy. According to Sean Plunkett you are not permitted to criticise the National government its unpatriotic and against the people of New Zealand. Too many reporters within journalism have intimate relationships with […]
Mana vice president John Minto Media statement QPEC (the Quality Public Education Coalition) “The government’s planned sell-off of state housing will cause serious harm to the education of New Zealand’s most vulnerable children”, says QPEC Spokesperson John Minto. Pushing more low-income families into the private housing market and social housing will mean another increase in […]
David Rankin a member of the anti-maori lobby group NZCPR (New Zealand centre of political research) Rankin once called for the Waitangi Tribunal to be dissolved and refer’s to Iwi including Ngapuhi as “tribal corporations the Waitangi tribunal is trying to enrich”. Rankin is now promoting Islamaphobia for Waitangi day by demanding a ban on Burqa at […]
France is determined to stop terrorism at all costs after the terrorists attacks in Paris, millions of people and world leaders marched the streets of Paris against terrorism. The last time New Zealand suffered a terrorist attack was from France in 1985. Secret Agents from the DGSE planted limpet mines on the vessel Rainbow Warrior […]
Pat Odea climate change editor Do pigs have wings? The time has come the walrus said to speak of many things: <b>”The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To speak of many things: Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax– Of cabbages–and kings– And why the sea is boiling hot– And whether pigs have wings.”</b> <a href=’http://www.jabberwocky.com/carroll/walrus.html’><b>The Jabberwocky</b></a> […]
Paul De Rungs -Guest editor Kia ora, I would like to let Mana members know about a relatively new Bus Company which has entered the cheap fares bus operators. From what I have been able to find out, this company is owned by Suiter Holdings who also own the Waiheke island Bus ervice and […]
John Minto Mana vice president It goes without saying that the Sydney siege was not prevented by similar laws in Australia and neither would this law make New Zealanders any safer from a similar incident. It hasn’t taken long for supporters of New Zealand’s so-called “anti-terror” legislation passed last week through parliament to try […]
Notice for Mana Tamaki Makaurau AGM –All welcome Day -Saturday Date – 20th December Time – 12pm Location -Mangere Community Centre 372 Massey Rd Mangere East (behind the library) Manukau City
Annette Sykes As whanau time approaches this Xmas I thought it timely to acknowledge some incredible acheivements that have largely gone unnoticed in the media, Maori or Mainstream by some of my fellow travellers in that space called the intersect between Maori Law and Pakeha Law. Notably is the contributrion of our friend and […]