Letter of complaint to the NZ Herald

Letter of complaint to the NZ Herald

This letter of complaint was sent to the New Zealand Herald in regards to Mike Butlers article dated Friday 23rd Jan 2015. [embeddoc url=”http://mananews.co.nz/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Complaint-Mike-Butler.docx” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]

New Zealands greatest Maoriphile

New Zealands greatest Maoriphile

Mana News editor Joe Trinder James Fitzgerald a New Zealand member of parliament , was a humanitarian that tried to save the lives of thousands of New Zealanders from systematic impoverishment. Fitzgerald of Irish descent was born in Bath, England and emigrated to New Zealand in hope that more opportunities might exist for prosperity. In 1863 the […]

Mike Butler’s prejudice Maori history

Mike Butler’s prejudice Maori history

 Joe Trinder Mana News Editor Mike Butler a close friend of John Ansell is from the anti-Maori pressure group NZCPR (New Zealand centre of political research) a radical organisation committed  to undermining anything awarded to Maori as an attack on Pakeha rights.  The NZ Herald yesterday decided to ask Mike Butler to critique Gareth Morgan who I admit is clumsily […]

Denying New Zealand’s colonial past

Denying New Zealand’s colonial past

Mana News editor Joe Trinder Recently Prime minister John Key made these comments in regards to the  colonisation of New Zealand “When we talk about the treaty and sovereignty and all those matters, you take a step back and say well what was really happening. In my view New Zealand was one of the very […]

Mana’s challenge to the 51st Parliament

Mana’s challenge to the 51st Parliament

  Ten years ago I led 50,000 Maori on the historic FORESHORE AND SEABED MARCH from Te Rerenga Wairua to the very steps of this parliament, in a march against the greatest land grab in the history of this country – Labour’s theft of the foreshore and seabed – a watershed moment for Maori because […]