Mike Butler a close friend of John Ansell is from the anti-Maori pressure group NZCPR (New Zealand centre of political research) a radical organisation committed to undermining anything awarded to Maori as an attack on Pakeha rights. The NZ Herald yesterday decided to ask Mike Butler to critique Gareth Morgan who I admit is clumsily looking for solutions.
Butler is the most conniving member of the entrenched Treaty hate movement his research into Maori history intentionally skewed to fit his agenda of British colonists being the victims of colonisation. The evidence being Butler has written hundreds of articles that denigrate Maori and has never written a balanced article that admits colonisation is an unmitigated disaster.
In the Herald Butler describes Iwi as “The newly rich tribal corporations” and points out that Ngai Tahu are receiving a top up but neglected to mention Ngai Tahu had as much land confiscated as the size of England and Wales combined. Butler referred to Treaty settlements as “New Zealand’s Treaty of Waitangi gravy train” despite the only gravy train to occur in New Zealand was the confiscation of private Maori land in 1863.
In the Herald article Butler refers to the littlewood paper a few personal notes found in Manurewa south auckland in 1989. The treaty hate movement have declared the littlewood paper a Treaty. The problem being it has no signatures to qualify as a Treaty. The Littlewood paper has a single purpose not to celebrate our nations history but to undermine Treaty settlements. In the Herald article Butler uses a cunning ploy to refer to the little wood paper in place of the official Maori version of the Treaty of Waitangi.
In Butler’s alternate history that land confiscation was consensual he ignore’s Maori suffering during the Land wars and New Zealand settlements Act 1863. In fact Butler has the audacity to portray history as British colonists were being oppressed while confiscating private Maori land. He rewrites history that justifies the extermination of Tuhoe and explains land confiscations was deserved.
Butler a colonisation apologist with a low tolerance of Maori culture according to Butlers revised history, Maori should be grateful for the blessing of colonisation and attempted to sell all of their private land and put up no resistance to land confiscations. His solution to Treaty settlements is Pakeha New Zealand need to stop this policy of what he calls “appeasement”. Butler simply ignores Treaty settlements are only 2% value of confiscated private real estate and the payments are to 37 Iwi over 25 year period. Butler is vindictive and not prepared to write a unprejudice balanced articles that see Maori perspectives of colonisation or even consult Iwi about our own history.