Mana Tamaki AGM

Mana Tamaki AGM

  Notice for Mana Tamaki Makaurau AGM –All welcome Day -Saturday Date – 20th December Time – 12pm Location -Mangere Community Centre 372 Massey Rd Mangere East (behind the library) Manukau City

Death threat to me = financial threat to you

Death threat to me = financial threat to you

 Mana News editor Joe Trinder The radical John Ansell has decided to sue me for defamation as I am responsible for another persons comments on facebook.  Ansell has demanded I develop a strategy to prevent the beheading of Martin Doutre,Muriel Newman and Alan Titford. Protecting Alan Titford should be be easy as he is locked up […]

The Heralds smear campaign against Hone Harawira

The Heralds smear campaign against Hone Harawira

  Joe Trinder Mana News editor  OPINION The New Zealand Herald has become a National Party propaganda machine its objective of undermining  all opposition to the National government, this type of journalism leads to poor government and a lack of accountability. Journalistic integrity or objectivity are not the words one would use in the same sentence […]

A National Flag

A National Flag

    Joe Trinder editor for Mana News The National party wants to leave a legacy  that they changed the New Zealand identity. Unfortunately they are the wrong crowd to  launch this type of change they haven’t created any innovative policy that improves New Zealanders life’s but want to go on an highly expensive rebranding exercise. […]

Strategy for the next Primeminister

Strategy for the next Primeminister

    Joe Trinder editor for the Mana News In World War 2 the Allies won the War because they formed an alliance of Nations against the Axis forces. In the last elections the opposition blamed Kim Dotcom for their election loss but refuse to shoulder any blame when the real problem was poor strategy the […]

Stop Deep Sea Oil (shhhh don’t mention climate change)

Stop Deep Sea Oil (shhhh don’t mention climate change)

        Pat O’Dea Mana News climate change editor   I tried to relate their protest against unconventional fossil fuels, like deep sea oil, to climate change, and the need to stop coal. The organisers shouted me down and telling me to “shut up”, and “keep to the subject”. Last Tuesday I went to […]