Ian Daynes There are now so many voices talking about the issue of child poverty in New Zealand that it is now accepted by most people that it really exists and is a real problem. Just a few months ago John Key was denying that there was any child poverty in New Zealand, just as […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder The Chinese stock market crash has been described as far worse than the 1929 stock market crash as that happened over months. China’s stock market has dropped by 30% ($3.4 Trillion) in three weeks and its only begun. Here in New Zealand Aotearoa the land of the long white cloud […]
Greenpeace presents ‘Courage Works’ a photographic exhibition to coincide with the 30 year anniversary of the Rainbow Warrior bombing. July 10 – July 12 , 10am – 4pm at The Cloud mezzanine , Princess Wharf , Auckland.
Mana Vice president John Minto Can you explain why the new body you are leading has no-one who is a current practicing teacher included on it? Did you raise this as an issue with the government before you accepted the role of chair? Barbara Ala’alatoa Chair Education Council of New Zealand Kia ora Ms […]
Hilda Halkyard- Harawira Te Pire Reo Māori to Māori Language Advisory Group For 110 years in the history of Aotearoa, Te Reo Māori was systematically banished from the school curriculum and devalued by the wider community, the institutions of Aotearoa and parliament. In 1972, Ngā Tamatoa called for Te Reo Māori to be taught in schools. […]
Mana Leader Hone Harawira Urgency Applications to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement On 23 June 2015, two Waitangi Tribunal claims were filed alleging that the Crown’s negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement were in breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Wai 2522: a claim lodged by Papaarangi M J Reid, Moana […]
Tamaki Makaurau Collective Deed of Settlement Summary The Tāmaki Makaurau Collective Deed of Settlement was initialled by the Crown and Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau (the Tāmaki Collective) on 7 June 2012. It is subject to ratification by the members of the iwi / hapū of the Tāmaki Collective and conditional on the enactment […]
SHAN Convenor John Minto SHAN network is outraged that the government is lining up an Australian social housing provider to buy hundreds of state houses in New Zealand. “With New Zealand’s main social housing providers such as the Salvation Army and Methodist Mission refusing to be part of this policy the government has the gall to […]
By Jane Kelsey Obama’s machinations win razor thin vote on Fast Track, NZ now on a hiding to nothing with TPPA Unprecedented procedural machinations and an unholy alliance with the Republicans have secured US President Obama a super-majority to advance his Fast Track bill in the US Senate by a single vote. The bill itself […]
A group of esteemed Māori leaders and academics, including Dr Papaarangi Reid, Moana Jackson, Rikirangi Gage, Angeline Greensill, Hone Harawira and Moana Maniapoto have filed a claim and application for urgent hearing today in the Waitangi Tribunal. The claim alleges that the government’s actions in negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPPA) are a breach of the […]