Open letter to the Education Council of Aotearoa New Zealand

Minto Mana Vice president John Minto

Can you explain why the new body you are leading has no-one who is a current practicing teacher included on it? Did you raise this as an issue with the government before you accepted the role of chair?


Barbara Ala’alatoa


Education Council of New Zealand


Kia ora Ms Ala’alatoa,

Re Education Council

I received your brochure in the mail introducing me to the “new members of the Education Council of Aotearoa New Zealand” and the flash new logo for the organisation.

I have a few questions in response.

  1. Can you explain why the new body you are leading has no-one who is a current practicing teacher included on it? Did you raise this as an issue with the government before you accepted the role of chair?
  2. Was the reason this new organisation was renamed from the Teacher’s Council to the Education Council to try and avoid the unfortunate truth that the new body does not represent teachers but instead represents the interests of the National Party’s education policies?
  3. Can you explain why I should pay my teacher registration fee to fund this new body when I have had no say in the makeup of the council?
  4. Given that the huge majority of educationalists in New Zealand are strongly opposed to government policies such as charter schools why is there no-one included on your council who has been a vocal public critic of these policies?
  5. Do you agree with the Minister of Education Hekia Parata’s view that poverty has nothing to do with educational success?
  6. Do you agree with the government that there is no need for ‘feed the kids’ legislation along the lines promoted before the last election?
  7. Given it is my money being used to fund you and your council can you let me know how much it cost to produce the flash new logo?

I look forward to hearing from you.



John Minto