The Mike Sabin timeline of events

The Mike Sabin timeline of events

National has a  stance on Law and order of “Stay strong on crime” For example do you remember in 2005 when Police investigated MP Taito Phillip Field he was imprisoned for 6 years on corruption charges. The Judge literally threw the book at him and justice was served. If you examine the time line of  Mike […]

Gareth Morgan’s Orewa Speech

Gareth Morgan’s Orewa Speech

It’s easy to think the Treaty of Waitangi is something only lawyers need to think about. But that’s a mistake. It relates to all of us and is always going to be part of our lives. Today I hope to explain why. The Treaty sets the bar for how New Zealanders acknowledge and respect each […]

The Tax payers union is a fraud

The Tax payers union is a fraud

The tax payers union claims to be a non-partisan activist group when it works in the interests of the National party. The tax payers union made this press release. “The Taxpayers’ Union is questioning Man Booker prize winner Eleanor Catton’s comments regarding the Government’s support of the arts given the substantial support she has personally received from taxpayers.” […]

Definition of racism

Definition of racism

This is an excerpt on racism from the book colonising myths -Maori realities :He Rukuruku Whakaaro written by Ani Mikaere

Stop the blame game with child poverty

Stop the blame game with child poverty

Estonia, Finland, Sweden and India all offer free school lunches and education has improved dramatically in these nations. It makes sense to invest in your countries greatest asset the next generation. No thanks to attack blogs like Whale Oil, New Zealanders have lost empathy for our fellow countrymen The comments made when blaming parents “The parents are lazy” […]

How the Prime ministers office is dysfunctional

How the Prime ministers office is dysfunctional

With the dirty politics saga it has been proven that the Prime minister office is dysfunctional. The PM’s office has stopped working for the people and instead is working to consolidate its power over the people. Large factions of the media are working in the interest of the National party and avoiding investigative un-biased journalism. […]

Bus to Waitangi

Bus to Waitangi

Notice for Bus to Waitangi –All welcome Day -Thursday Date – 5th Febuary 1st pick up point Time – 5pm Location -Mangere East Community Centre 372 Massey Rd Mangere East (behind the library) Manukau City 2nd pick up point Time – 6pm Location –Unite Union 6A Western Springs Road, Sandringham Auckland Please RSVP your seat NOW Gary Cranston on […]

Williambong not the smartest cookie

Williambong not the smartest cookie

Williambong has been posting bizzare comments on the Mana News for your entertainment I decided to publish some of these ridiculous statements. Williambong is using a stereotype that people living in state housing are thieves, drug dealers, alcoholics and compulsive gamblers. Williambong is suggesting we adopt eugenics and New Zealanders that live in state housing should be forcibley sterilized as […]