The Tax payers union is a fraud

Jordan Williams Taxpayers’ union

The tax payers union claims to be a non-partisan activist group when it works in the interests of the National party. The tax payers union made this press release.

“The Taxpayers’ Union is questioning Man Booker prize winner Eleanor Catton’s comments regarding the Government’s support of the arts given the substantial support she has personally received from taxpayers.”

The taxpayers’ union has targeted Eleanor Catton for receiving funds from the government. This was a legitimate payment to an award winning author who up until that stage had not publically criticised the National government. The Taxpayers’ union is a complete fraud that it doesn’t make strong objections when Taxpayers’ money is being squandered by National party MP’s here are some examples.

Mike Sabin –Costing the New Zealand taxpayer millions in a byelection by concealing allegations that would prevent him from being the chair of the law and order select committee and a member of parliament.

Judith Collins Tax funded trip to China Collins made a detour to Oravidas office on the way to the airport for a cup of tea. she “utterly and totally” rejected the allegations. In return Oravida made a $30,000 donation to the National party.

Claudette Hauiti –Brought a Christmas trip to Australia using her parliamentary charge card her explanation was “Well, no, I went to meet with Maori in Australia who were registered on the Maori roll.”

Melissa Lee –Used Millions of dollars from her production company using NZ on air funding to pay for a promotional video for the National party.

The Tax payers union complained about Hone Harawira’s trip to South Africa for the Nelson Mandela service. Harawira was specially invited to the Mandela household and the Tax payers union didn’t complain about Pita Sharples or John Key attending the funeral using Taxpayers’ money.

The Taxpayers’ union lacks all and any credibility the organisation has never used objectivity in any of its complaints. Mana News is demanding the immediate resignation of Jordan Williams from the Taxpayers’ union.