Notice for Bus to Waitangi –All welcome
Day -Thursday
Date – 5th Febuary
1st pick up point Time – 5pm
Location -Mangere East Community Centre 372 Massey Rd
Mangere East (behind the library)
Manukau City
2nd pick up point Time – 6pm
Location –Unite Union 6A Western Springs Road, Sandringham
Please RSVP your seat NOW
Gary Cranston on 0294555979 to book your seat.
Returning on the 6th, leaving Waitangi at 5PM.
Bus seat costs just $20 each – bring cash
Accomodation – bring tents – we have a place to camp for the night
Meal – bring $15 cash for a koha for a meal that will be put on for us all when we arrive at Te Rapunga marae on Thursday night.
We will be joining the hikoi on Friday morning.
It is strongly recommended that you bring;
- sunscreen
- water
- hat
- a light raincoat
- high vis clothing
- Don’t forget your tent
Rueben Taipari; “It will be very significant to our movement of protecting our moana that you should participate and support the kaupapa hei tinana. Your presence at the Hikoi to oppose Statoil and the conference held in Auckland last year was so important and we need your support again to tautoko the commitment by #STOPSTAOIL AUCKLAND to organise transport . nau mai hoki mai ki Te Tai Tokerau”
— at Unite Union.