No New Zealand troops to Iraq – bring kiwi soldiers home

No New Zealand troops to Iraq – bring kiwi soldiers home

 Mana Vice president John Minto Prime Minister John Key made a disgraceful decision in February when he announced New Zealand troops would be sent to help wage war in Iraq. Our troops are not going there to risk their lives defending New Zealand interests. Instead Key says it’s part of the “price” we must pay […]

New Zealand to have a ‘two flag’ policy.

New Zealand to have a ‘two flag’ policy.

The group that helped to make the Maori flag official has presented its position on the new panel to lead discussions on a NZ flag: The Te Ata Tino Toa position is: By the time the flag is adopted, it wants NZ to have a ‘two flag’ policy. The new NZ flag should fly at […]



MANA TE TAI TOKERAU AGM All Mana members welcome Sunday 1st March 2015 9.30am-3pm Te Wananga O Aotearoa 12 Murdock Crescent Whangarei Shared kai Nou te rourou, naaku te rourou, Ka ora ai te Iwi    

A petition to oppose sending troops to Iraq

A petition to oppose sending troops to Iraq

A petition to oppose sending troops to Iraq has gained over 9,000 signatures Tell John Key that he may be deciding to send troops to Iraq on your behalf, but he is not acting in your name. #NOTINMYNAME

Volunteer writers needed for Mana News

Volunteer writers needed for Mana News

If you are a Mana Movement member and would like to write articles for the Mana News we are looking for volunteers. A great opportunity to let the public know what is happening in your Rohe.  Articles based on Housing, Environment, Treaty,  Economy,  International and Policy. Please include a picture of yourself preferably wearing your Mana […]

Breaking News: SAS are already in Iraq

Breaking News: SAS are already in Iraq

Sources within Iraq have advised Mana News that New Zealand Army’s 1NZSAS is already has special forces on the ground in Iraq. The deployment being sold as training but will more likely be troops embedded with Iraqi units as military advisers. The Troops are believed to be in the vicinity of Bagram airbase or in Baghdad. […]

Taxpayer to fund America’s cup in Bermuda

Taxpayer to fund America’s cup in Bermuda

MP Steven Joyce is set  to pour $20 million dollars from the trade and industry budget into the team New Zealand bid for the 2017 America’s cup challenge; this will be topped up by another $10 million by the Auckland ratepayer to a total of $30 Million dollars. Last time New Zealand competed in the Americas […]

The National governments cronyism

The National governments cronyism

Cronyism is partiality to long-standing friends, especially by appointing them to positions of authority, regardless of their qualifications. Hence, cronyism is contrary in practice and principle to meritocracy. The National party is stacking boards across the nation and New Zealand is getting the reputation as an African crony state. The cronyism is out of control and […]

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