MANA Leader Hone Harawira

“Last week I made a statement in support of a Kura Maori, Te Kapehu Whetu who were going through some tough times” said MANA Leader Hone Harawira “Today I regret to say that another kura, Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Rangiawhia, has suffered an even worse fate with the Minister of Education, Hekia Parata, announcing it would close this week.”

“A couple of hours ago, I attended a meeting in Taipa where the Commissioner, Mr Tunney Mc Fadden, told the whanau their kura would be closing this Friday.

“The whanau were devastated. They accept that there have been problems at Rangiawhia. But they had worked alongside a highly qualified educational team from right across the north to put forward a proposal that addressed the concerns raised by the Minister.”

“Rangiawhia is our tuakana, the first Kura Kaupapa in the far north. They have a history of providing strong leaders and positive role models. And to see them close is a sad day for us all.

“It was good to see reps from the local iwi and other kura there to support the whanau. And equally as good to hear how committed the whanau was, to getting the kura re-opened as soon as possible.

“It may not be merry xmas for everyone out Whatuwhiwhi next week, but I fully expect to see the whanau bounce back next year.