New Zealand has a plethora of anti-Maori hate groups, and many are linked with the National Party. John Ansell, a marketing consultant and good friend of former National leader Don Brash, designed the Kiwi/Iwi election campaign advertisements that suggested New Zealanders who were members of an Iwi were no longer “Kiwi”. Ansell’s relationship with National is still strong – they hired him for the 2014 elections to run a smear campaign against the Greens. He was better qualified to run the smear campaign against the Maori Party but they are allied with National.
Ansell runs the hate group Treatygate, an organisation that is highly critical of Maori New Zealanders. Treatygate claims that if an Iwi receives a settlement from brutal land confiscations, that makes them a corporation. Ansell is convinced British racial superiority exists and claims Maori lack gratitude for colonisation.
Ansell’s Treatygate was funded by the millionaire Lewis Crimp from Invercargill who has a deep seething hatred of Maori. The Treatygate organisation received $50,000 to preach racial hatred around the country.
The oldest hate group is the One New Zealand Foundation, represented by Martin Doutre (originally from the United States) and the arsonist Allan Titford. Doutre has two conspiracy theories: firstly, that the Littlewood Treaty found in Manurewa in 1989 is our founding national doucment, and the original Treaty of Waitangi is a fraud; secondly, that Anglo Saxons discovered Aotearoa/New Zealand before Polynesian explorers.
This vast conspiracy theory doesn’t answer simple questions, such as how boat people from Sri Lanka have never landed on our shores using steel vessels, but a primitive boat could circumnavigate the planet travelling 24,000 km. Celestial navigation was not used in Europe until Columbus’ discovery of America – 1000 years after Polynesians discovered America.
The most dangerous member of One New Zealand Foundation is Allan Titford, who burnt down his own home and blamed the local Iwi, Te Roroa. Titford turned Northland into Mississippi Burning, creating racial division in the country unlike anything since the Land Wars. In fact the then New Zealand Prime Minister, David Lange, sided with Titford. In November 2013, Titford was sentenced to 24 years on a number of charges, including assault, sexual violation, arson and fraud. His former wife revealed that he had deliberately burnt down his home and blamed it on the local Iwi to improve his chances of compensation from the government.
These organisations are well resourced and funded by millionaires, with a publishing company, Tross Publishing. Tross publishes false historical facts, claiming Maoridom gave away their land and estates to British colonists. and other bombastic claims that colonisation didn’t decimate the Maori race, that hardly anyone suffered and that in fact colonisation was a saviour.
Muriel Newman’s organisation, the New Zealand Centre of Political Research (NZCPR) a Anti-Maori hate group disguised as a right wing think tank. Newman, originally an immigrant from England, is campaigning for the government to abolish the Maori seats. The campaign is gaining momentum and could be successful.
These men and woman are the New Zealand equivalent of the Ku Klux Klan. They are dangerous, and the terrifying part is that hey have strong influence over the National Party. Muriel Newman was a former Act Party MP and John Ansell is a close friend of Don Brash, who almost became the New Zealand Prime Minister.
These hate groups network well and are well resourced, They market their hatred with precision appealing to Pakeha insecurity. These organisations have no tolerance of Maori culture, language or the Maori seats. They demand New Zealand be the Britain of the South Pacific and Aotearoa be abolished. We can’t continue to ignore these vile hate groups because they are lobbying the New Zealand public to despise Maori. If you oppose these types of groups hijacking the country, the only organisation that opposes them is Mana Movement. Go to our website and join your local branch.