Te Rarawa iwi leader Haami Piripi has hit back on Facebook at British born Muriel Newman over her degenerate views of the Treaty of Watangi.
Muriel Newman is the convener of the Anti-Maori group NZCPR an organisation dedicated to undermining our founding National document and the suppression of indigenous rights.
The entrenched Treaty hate industry have previously bullied this iwi before when Alan Titford burnt down his own house and blamed Te Rarawa.
As an elected iwi leader in the Far North I am obliged to respond to at least some of the misconceptions promoted by Muriel Newman in last Thursday’s Age. But I am also disappointed at the ease with which her extremist views have been given prominence.
It seems that even black can be made to look like white, and her attack on iwi and their leaders must be parried just in case anybody really believes it.
The first misconception that Newman proselytizes about is the notion that Maori, as original inhabitants of this country, have either never had or been completely deprived of any historical sovereign interests we as iwi have held in this country. Notwithstanding the solo stand of her friend, the retired judge, there is already existing clear and absolute legal jurisprudence, political precedent and community vision that express a manifestation of this recognition.
For example, the New Zealand Court of Appeal, the Waitangi Tribunal (a commission of inquiry) and the 1989 Labour Government have all produced principles of the Treaty of Waitangi. All embody the concept of constitutional partnership, so that in the words of the Chief Judge Edward Durie, “… the Treaty is always speaking…” That is certainly the view that iwi Maori hold to as Treaty partners with a sacred covenant agreed to by our ancestors, in order to enable the peaceful existence of two peoples on one land.
We iwi of the Far North are part of the on-going pastoral care associated with the Treaty, along with Ngapuhi nui Tonu. And if she thinks we in Te Hiku are trouble, just wait until she bumps into Ngapuhi.
We can no longer be ignored. We are the last wellspring of resource potential in this region, and this is being complemented with innovative and useful Treaty Settlements investing in our region and our people. But the chances are that she cannot perceive this reality because Maori, and iwi, have no place in her wonderland.
Unfortunately, it is this form of right wing mongrelism that has begun to ruin this country. She thinks she exists to compete with iwi Maori… OMG! James Busby will be rolling over in his grave.
Treaties, of course, are all about compromise, collaboration and cooperation. Not sacrificing one for another. New Zealand has a poor record as a Treaty partner because of barbaric view such as hers marring our future as a united nation.In more recent and enlightened years, New Zealand has swung its bow to a course more consistent with partnership, recognising perhaps for the first time in our colonial history the inherent value of Maori culture and history. Since forever this has historically been limited to tourist and musical novelties but even within these limited environs the value of Maori culture and indigeneity has hyrdofoiled our Aotearoa New Zealand presence on the world stage.
It is no wonder she exited national politics, holding divisive view like hers. What arrogance to criticise the Waitangi Tribunal (which is in fact a commission of inquiry) and their recommendations, which have lain unimplemented (until now) for over a decade. Her contentions deride the credence of kaumatua I have loved, and is disrespectful of every Maori that she knows.
For me the only good thing about her article was the expose on John Carter as one of her heroes, giving us an indication of how we should be voting in the upcoming election.As for seats on the council, one only has to look back over the last 100 years to see how well the needs of Maori and iwi have been met. Or not met. Inquiries all over the country have demonstrated this, and yet someone as educated as Ms Newman still denies it in a conscious act of colonial defiance.
Back in the day they had the excuse of ignorance and archaic ideas they brought with them from England.
Today, Ms Newman has no excuse, and it is values such as hers that have become the weeds in our democratic garden which could ultimately ruin the potential of this country and make us the Zimbabwe of the Pacific.
Haami Piripi
Iwi Leader / Treaty Partner, Ahipara.
Would Newman be tolerated as a migrant in the United States criticizing and condemning the Declaration of Independence or back in her homeland slagging off the Magna Carta. Here in New Zealand these types of deranged views are encouraged.
I applaud Haami Piripi as one of the few Iwi leaders to take a strong stance against the entrenched Treaty hate industry gravy train.