TPPA Action Week: 8 – 15 August


These details are subject to change and events may be added to this list, so make sure you check in on for the latest updates ahead of TPPA Action Week. If you want to organise something in your area, please


15 August protest, meet outside Kerikeri library at 11am.


15 August protest, 11am at Kohukohu Village Green.


15 August protest, 11am at the Tarewa Park.


15 August protest, 1pm at Aotea Square to march down Queen Street, featuring speakers and music.


15 August protest, Meet @ 1pm outside Cock and Bull carpark on corner of Church and Maui.


8 August, 10 am @ Red Square (Downtown Tauranga) for ‘Chalk n talk’.

9 August, Johns Key’s birthday bash with live music and Cake Signing the giant card.

10 August at lunch time, Banner making in Red Square.

12 August, Nag banner from cambridge rd over bridge.

13 August, signs on the road side

14th August – public meeting

15 August protest at 10.30am, Red Square.



15 August protest, 1pm at Memorial Square.


8 August protest, 1pm, march from Silver Ball in the market to Majestic Square.

New Plymouth

15 August protest, 1pm at Puke Ariki.

Palmerston North

(Before Action Week) – At 7pm on July 29th Palmerston North City Library is hosting a panel discussion on the TPPA, featuring Assoc Prof Jeff Sluka, Dr Deborak Russell and Dr Shamin Shukur (compere: Assoc Prof Bill Fish).

Art and photo exhibition planned with accompanying information, concert and talks

8 August Rally and concert, 1pm – 3:30pm in the Square in the quadrant opposite The Plaza. Keynote speech from Barry Coates, including Dr Romauld Rudzki, Dr Deborah Russell, Dr Jeff Sluka and Cr Lew Findlay, and local musicians.

14 August will be a concert in the library at 5pm, then documentary maker and investigative journalist Bryan Bruce will speak at 6pm on Poverty, Inequality & the TPPA.

Many committed P North activists will also be heading to Wellington on 15 August.


7-13 August – The People Speak #STOPTPPA. NZ Photo exhibition (10am-5pm)

12 August – Lunchtime rally outside Parliament with politicians and speakers.

15 August – TPPA Walk Away! Protest action to stop the TPPA. Assemble at Midland Park and march to Parliament for speakers and music. More details to come.

Golden Bay

14 August protest, 12pm at Golden Bay Village Green.


15 August protest at 11:00am, top of Trafalgar St – 1903 Square.


10 August political debate at 6pm, Canterbury Horticultural Society (57 Riccarton Avenue), featuring David Parker, Russell Norman, Fletcher Tabuteau and Marama Fox.

12 August film screening of ‘Inequality for All” by economist Robert Reich, 6pm at The Auricle (35 New Regent Street).

14 August New Economics Seminar and Expo, 7pm at Horticultural Hall.

15 August protest at 12:30pm. Location: South Hagley Park (corner Deans Ave and Riccarton Rd) marching down Riccarton Rd.

Little River

15 August rally, 12pm at Little River Craft Station.


15 August protest, 11am at Bay Piazza.


15 August protest at 1pm, marching from the Dental School to the Octagon.


15 August protest, 12pm at Wachner Place.