After Students at Waiuku College suggested a month of Maori language week the intolerance in New Zealand society has reared its ugly head.
In the comments below J Subz comment wants a democratic vote on Maori language. Before the arrival of English speaking British colonists the Maori language was democratically the only language in Aotearoa New Zealand. It was a lack of democracy that suppressed the language for the dominant British hegemony.
Ross Miller wants uppity Maori to get back in their box of 2nd class citizenry with this comment “New Zealand as it was in the 1950’s when the “Murri” knew their place”
Kowtow is demanding Maori taxpayers money is not wasted on Maori initiatives like the Waitangi tribunal and Maori language week. Probably because in his mind Maori don’t pay taxes.
These comments coming from the National Party’s Kiwi blog reinforces the National governments low tolerance of Maori language. It’s difficult to believe the Prime minister genuinely supports Maori language week when behind the scenes his supporters perceive the language as worthless.