Neo-Liberals are a threat to New Zealand security.

avatr Mana News editor Joe Trinder


The biggest threat to New Zealand economic security  is not men living in caves in Afghanistan or ISIS in Iraq the threat is much closer to home,  Neo-Liberal advisors in the New Zealand Treasury. Neo-Liberalism is a moral and intellectual justification for greed. A way for those few who accumulate wealth, by impoverishing many, to justify themselves, and keep those they are stealing from compliant.

In the 1980’s  Rogernomics and Ruthanasia  introduced a greed based policy of market-led restructuring and deregulation and the control of inflation through tight monetary policy, accompanied by a floating exchange rate and reductions in the fiscal deficit.

Ruth Richardson and Roger Douglas received policy from trickle downer economists based in Treasury. Both Finance minister’s acted on Neo Liberal economic policy that advocated privatisation and selling everything including the kitchen sink to the detriment of future generations of New Zealanders.

Since then the National government and Whale oil has implemented a fear mongering campaign of Islamaphobia when the only terrorist attack against New Zealand was by France

“Left unchecked Isis would rain carnage on the world” John Key

To be realistic Islamic state is having difficulty breaking out of Syria under the threat of US Airstrikes to ever consider conquest in the south pacific.

The immediate threat to Kiwi families is economic terrorism of Neo Liberalism that over the last 30 years has reduced employment, the standard of living and caused New Zealand to have the biggest inequality gap in the OECD nations. Working class Kiwi’s  need to identify and shame Neo Liberals from government departments and political parties and expose these economic terrorists.
