Mr Politician: Stop the talk and walk the walk and bring us comfort for all Kaitoko and Oranga Whanau o Aotearoa

By Mihaere Emery -Kaitoko – Te Rau Korowai

Kaitoko Whanau workers

I share a quote from a song by Kora called Politician:

Poli, Poli, Poli, Politician can u make a right decision for all of us yeeeah, for all of us. X2

You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk and bring us comfort and bring us comfort.

Bring us comfort as over 70 Kaitoko and Oranga Whanau workers are facing the DOLE queues by July 2015. Whanau workers have been employed throughout Aotearoa for up to 5 years and have been working tirelessly with HARD TO REACH whanau that have fallen through the gaps, dealing with Drug and Alcohol addictions relating to Methamphetamine (P), Homelessness, Youth crime, Suicide attempts, Housing, Gang related issues, Child, Youth and Family, Family Violence and break ups ETC.

Our patai to the Minister is for every Kaitoko and Oranga Whanau Worker – What does the future hold for them now, cut off their life line which is their JOBS becoming another statistic. And what will happen to our HARD TO REACH Whanau, be pushed to the side again as it was done in the past becoming a part of the ‘HARD TO REACH BASKET’once again.

Na reira referring to the whakatauki of our late Maori King Tawhiao “ Mehemea karekau ana he whakakitenga ka mate te Iwi “ “Where there is no Vision the People will Perish”.

If the Vision is to abolish the Kaitoko and Oranga Whanau contracts, then over 70 Kaitoko and Oranga whanau jobs across Aotearoa will Perish, making the Vision of DR Pita Sharples Key founder of Maori Party a failure, a failure to give up 5 years working tirelessly with HARD TO REACH whanau that have fallen through the gaps, a failure to uphold the Mana of our Tipuna turning a positive back to a negative.


Stop the talk and walk the walk and bring us comfort so we can all achieve theWhakakitenga of the late Maori King Tawhio. “ Mehemea karekau ana he whakakitenga ka mate te Iwi “ “Where there is no Vision the People will Perish”.

No reira e nga Mana, e nga Reo, nga Hau e wha o te Motu, nga kai puku mahi o nga kirimana Kaitoko me Oranga Whanau. Nau Mai raa, Titiro mai raa, Whakarongo mai raa.

By now all Kaitoko and Oranga Whanau kaimahi across Aotearoa should have had notice from Te Puni Kokiri of their intent to discontinue funding for Kaitoko and Oranga Whanau contracts. On Thursday 30th April 2015 Kaitoko and Oranga Whanau kaimahi from Muma, Te Marae o Manurewa, Orakei Marae and Hoani Waititi Marae gathered at Nga Whare Waatea Marae in Mangere to express our feelings about what has happened with the future abolishment of our contracts. Also to come up with a strategy to make some noise at government level to try keep our kaupapa and mahi alive.

Tamaki Makaurau Kaimahi are encouraging all Kaitoko and Oranga Whanau kaimahi across Aotearoa to Maranga Ake, kia Tuu, kia kaha me whawhai tonu mo to tatou kaupapa ki te mutunga. Tamaki Makaurau have come up with a Action Plan to be Actioned within the next 6 weeks between May – Mid June 2015.

Our next Tamaki Makaurau hui is Thursday May 14th 2015 10am at Hoani Waititi Marae Henderson. We are also encouraging all rohe to do the same and hopefully we all end up on the same waka to do the Haka and Pukana together in Poneke to hopefully save our kaupapa and mahi.

Aotearoa kaimahi you are all welcome to join in and have your say at our next hui, either attend physically, use that flash technology Skype stuff or top your phone up with lots of credit and ring in teleconference style mean.