Mana descended from warriors

avatr Mana News Editor Joe Trinder


In military circles the New Zealand Army’s 28th Maori Battalion is the most prestigious New Zealand military unit in history as one of the feared military units that confronted the German Wehrmacht (Army). General Erwin Rommel the desert fox once described the Maori Battalion

Give me the Maori Battalion and I will conquer the world” Erwin Rommel

The 28th Maori Battalion a world war two battalion made up of 4 companies consisting of about 3000 men. Many people might not know this but the commanding officers of the 28th Maori Battalion their descendants are the today the leadership of the Mana Movement.

Left: Major Kahi Harawira Right: Hone Harawira

The first padre of the 28th battalion was Major Kahi Harawira the grandfather of Hone Harawira. Major Harawira served in two world wars having already served at the battle of Gallipoli in world war one.

Left: Colonel Arapeta Awatere Right: Donna Awatere Huata

The commanding officer of the 28th Maori Battalion was Colonel Arapeta Awatere the father of Donna Awatere Huata. Colonel Awatere took over command of the 28th Maori Battalion at “Camerino” from Colonel Young and successfully commanded the Battalion.

If you have ever wondered why Donna and Hone make good political strategist it could be hereditary and if John Key knows what good for him he should surrender because the 28th Mana Battalion are coming after him at the next elections. If any other Mana members have any relatives that fought in the 28th Battalion please leave a comment below.