Waitangi Hui 4-6 Feb 1985
Te Kawariki was named by Reverend Māori Marsden on a 1985 hikoi from Kapowairua to Waitangi. In their first of many hikoi, they held themselves in wānanga mode and had hui with several marae en route to Waitangi . These are the submissions gathered from those hui by Te Kawariki and presented to the Waitangi Forum in 1985.

Waitangi Hui: 4-6 February 1985
Submission presented by Shane Jones
Me tupu i a wiwi, me tupu i a wawa. Turia ki te were,
Piri tonu ki te korito o te rengarenga waiho me
Whakapakari ki te hua o te Kawariki.
Tenei te reo o Te Kawariki, ka tukuna ake nei ki a koutou katoa puta noa, puta noa. Mai i muri whenua e ngana ana e te ra ki ngā mania, nga raorao me nga maunga huka o te tonga, apiti atu hoki ki nga motu nohonohoanga tangata, whiti atu ki te Wharekauri. E te iwi, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.
He mihi ki nga aitua, he mihi ki nga mate. He tatai whetu ki te rangi mau tonu, mau tonu. Ahakoa kua wheturangitia rātou, ko to ratou atarangi kei mua tonu ano i a tatou me a ratou taonga. E kumekumea e toia nei e tatou i enei ra.No reira, e nga mate, e moe, e moe i te huinga o nga kahurangi, i te moenga o te tini.
He tira haere matou i tae atu ki nga marae, ki nga kainga, ki nga one, i ngakau nuitia ai e nga wheinga.He tira hoki tenei i kohikohi ai i nga take, i nga whakaaro, i nga kaupapa e hangai ana ki te Iwi Māori. Nō reira kei konei nga korero, ka tukuna atu. Tena koutou katoa.
The Treaty of Waitangi is a contract between two sovereign peoples. In constitutional terms, therefore the Treaty of Waitangi is the only Bill of Rights this country should have.
That the Treaty of Waitangi not be made part of NZ statute law, but rather, be
entrenched in NZ constitutional law as a bill of rights to which all proposed
legislation must conform before being passed into law.
The Tribunal:
The Waitangi Tribunal is seen as the vehicle by which Maori people can redress past injustices under the Treaty of Waitangi. In its present state, however, it is powerless to legislate and relies on the government of the day to implement its recommendations.
-That the Waitangi Tribunal be empowered to enact bills to enable the settling of land grievances prior to 1840 in recognition of major land areas lost prior to 6 February 1840.
-That there be no pakehas on the Tribunal.
– That the Tribunal be decentralised into tribal bodies, with a parent tribunal serving the same purpose and having the same powers as the present Court of Appeal under the Treaty of Waitangi as a bill of rights.
Kaimoana is a real and spiritual health food of the Maori and reflects the depth of our cultural, spiritual, whanau and emotional relationships with Tangaroa.
To this end , the 2nd clause of the Treaty of Waitangi must be upheld.
– That a moratorium on commercialisation of the export of kaimoana be instituted.
– That all activities which endanger our kaimoana, cease immediately.
That the Kawariki in line with the resolutions of the National Hui at Turangawaewae in September 1984 and the annual Kotahitanga hui at Tauranga in October 1984:-
– Support the cessation of any forms of the celebration of the Treaty of Waitangi, at Waitangi and throughout Aotearoa every year until the Treaty has been honoured.
– As a constructive alternative , we propose that
– A national Maori hui be held every February 4, 5,6 to report on progress over the last 12 months and update plans for the next 12 months.
– Pakeha hold a 3 day session of re-education through all forms of the media, in order that they may better understand their historical role as invaders and exploiters of Maoriland.

That in line with the return of lands of historical and spiritual significance such as Taupiri maunga, we of the Kawariki make a spcial submission for the vesting of Te Reinga as a Maori reserve under guardianships of the Tribes of Te Hiku o Te Ika.
That the name AOTEAROA be reinstated as the name of this land.
That all lands returned via the Waitangi Tribunal be reinstated to the hapu as appropriate.
(Te Hikoi ki Waitangi 1985 pages 53-55)