Let Mehara’s Vote Count
MANA Movement Submission to NZ Parliament- –Inquiry into the 2017 General Election and 2016 Local Elections
Mehara Tamaki 
Mehara Tamaki died suddenly in her sleep September 2017 in Otangarei, Whāngarei.
Under the current law, her vote is discounted. When a person gives their vote during the election period, their vote is a human right. Therefore their right to vote should not be extinguished in death. They were alive when they voted.
MEHARA Tamaki was the Rangatahi representative for the MANA Movement Executive 2017. She would give instant feedback on all MANA policies and liked hanging out with kuia & kaumātua .
“My greatest struggle right now is watching our people be forced into situations where they have no control, where our people do not have homes or are being kicked out.
I love watching rangatahi Māori thrive – watching our people, our language, our culture thrive!
I’m hopeful that one day in Aotearoa everyone has a warm whare and hot kai; that our pēpi have a stable foundation where they are able to thrive in the passions they wish to follow.
I believe it’s important for every New Zealander to use their vote and make change with us.
I will vote for the first time ever this year. I will vote because we have the power to make the change we want to see. We are the generation of change and we control who runs our country.”
Mehara Tamaki, 19, Te Tai Tokerau, first time voter #YoungGiftedandVotes