Today MANA announces their four list candidates:
Tuatahi: Hone Harawira, Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu, former Member of Parliament for Tai Tokerau and community;
Tuarua: Lisa McNab, Te Paatu, Ngāti Kahu, President of MANA and Māori health promoter wants better health outcomes for all whānau;
Tuatoru: James Papali’i, Samoan Irish is the MANA Pasifika Chairperson, a Māngere community worker who works to reduce domestic violence amongst men and whānau;
Tuawhā: Tracey-lee Repia, Ngāpuhi, Whanganui River, me Ngāti Porou is Chairperson of MANA Rakipaewhenua, a small business operator and advocates Māori to take up whānau businesses.
Andrew Paul MANA Secretary advises, “the MANA 2017 candidates are Kaupapa Māori driven and committed to help change this nation to benefit the most vulnerable of society.”
“The MANA 2017 Team are passionate about working with like minded people and organisations to achieve key goals i.e. to eliminate child poverty, make education and health freely available and to ensure homeless are housed.”
“Hone has a loyal team who represent their local and regional communities, have been committed to MANA since 2011. They have the courage and conviction of all community workers to work together to make change for theirs and the wider community.”
“Our election strategy is to win one Māori seat Tai Tokerau by calling on Māori to give Hone the candidate vote. South of Tai Tokerau, we call on MANA supporters to give their party votes to MANA, to take another MP or 2 alongside Hone into Parliament.”