Aue, aue tenei te mihi aroha ki te rangatira Meteria Turei, mai a matou the roopu MANA……
Death by media, political death by media … how wrong is it that mainstream media, particularly the fight of the white against those who are not of their ilk is it? … … so wrong, so, so wrong on so many levels…so many examples of the attention, the hounding, the focus on the issue (POVERTY) being re-directed to be on the person who has, is and does highlight the need and the poverty of so many of us. So, so wrong.
The influence of mainstream media on this election is unacceptable, DO not be influenced by not turning out to vote whanau as this becomes another win for the wrong side. Let us not be fooled by the comparisons being made between who is white & right and who is wrong, but be influenced by knowing that your vote counts because YOU count.
Vote Hone Harawira – Te Tai Tokerau