Ture Whenua Maori Bill Withdrawn from Parliament

 MANA Leader Hone Harawira

MANA Leader Hone Harawira has backed the Maori Party’s decision to not rush the Ture Whenua Maori bill through the house under urgency.

“It’s a big call” said Harawira “but it’s the right one”

“Maori Party President Tukuroirangi Morgan’s description of the bill as the most important piece of legislation currently facing Māori is correct. It’s the first time Maori land law has been reviewed in 25 years, and Maori deserve more time to consider what is being proposed”

“The Maori Party had the opportunity to push the bill through but they’ve heard the call from MANA, from Maori landowners, Maori lawyers, Maori Land Court judges, the Maori Women’s Welfare League, Bishop Kito Pikaahu and other clergy, Ratana Morehu and many, many others” said Harawira “and they have made the right decision to set the bill aside”

“When Labour were in the same situation they ignored the biggest Maori protest in history, they betrayed their Maori support base, and they rammed through the Foreshore and Seabed Bill in 2004 – the biggest land grab in the history of the country”

“The Maori Party’s decision to not push the Ture Whenua Maori bill through parliament shows a commitment to kaupapa Maori that Labour leader Andrew Little can only dream about – the clown”

“I have accepted an invitation to work with the Maori Party to develop a more robust consultation strategy for after the election, and I look forward to working positively with the Maori Party in the campaign to bring all the Maori seats back to kaupapa Maori parties”