Mana News editor Joe Trinder Rueben Taipari Porter and his wife Heeni Hoterene crashed a closed meeting between specifically invited Marae, Hapu and Iwi representatives with the Norwegian multinational oil and gas company Statoil representatives today. Mr Porter challenged the Hui as to why the people and whanau haven’t been invited. One of the Iwi representatives accused […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder On 6th Feb Waitangi day Rueben Taipari Porter lead the Hikoi against the Norwegian oil and gas company Statoil. I first met Rueben last year at Waitangi and we discussed his campaign for the Mayoralty of Tai Tokerau during the local body elections, in which he came up with some […]
Pat Odea climate change editor Do pigs have wings? The time has come the walrus said to speak of many things: <b>”The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To speak of many things: Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax– Of cabbages–and kings– And why the sea is boiling hot– And whether pigs have wings.”</b> <a href=’’><b>The Jabberwocky</b></a> […]
Pat Odea climate change editor “You will not get your coal mine… Believe it in your hearts” On the Monday of the 26th day of August 2013, the above promise is the one I gave to the high powered Fonterra executives and engineers and their crack team of expensive lawyers, who had gathered at the […]
Pat Odea climate change Editor Walk The Talk at Mangatangi. Pacific Islanders blockade Aussie coal port As desperate Pacific Islanders trying to save their nations from being destroyed by climate change battle Australian coal ships, Stand With the Pacific Climate Warriors Be at Mangatangi this Labour Weekend Monday at 2pm to protest Fonterra’s […]
Pat O’Dea Mana News climate change editor Panui, Panui, Panui! At 2pm on the Monday of the Labour Weekend break, 27 October 2014. Auckland Coal Action is calling a protest rally on the roadside opposite where Fonterra say they are planning to develop a new coal mine in North East […]
Pat O’Dea Mana News climate change editor I tried to relate their protest against unconventional fossil fuels, like deep sea oil, to climate change, and the need to stop coal. The organisers shouted me down and telling me to “shut up”, and “keep to the subject”. Last Tuesday I went to […]