Mana leader Hone Harawira “I’m glad we took the TPPA to the Tribunal” says MANA leader Hone Harawira and former MP for Tai Tokerau, in regards to the claim before the Waitangi Tribunal that the government’s negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement are in breach of the Treaty of Waitangi. “They’ve refused to make the […]
Roschana Webby TPP will supposedly help ‘the good people of Oxford that make chutneys and olives and all sorts of things, to sell their products in Japan and the US’. There are 12 countries involved in these negotiations. Surely this is about more than chutney.Many people assume that the TPP is merely about ‘Free Trade’ […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder The New Zealand Debt Clock reached $100 billion NZ dollars of government debt last week . That calculates to to $25,000 debt for every Man, Woman and Child in New Zealand. Equal to 50 per cent of New Zealand’s economic output. When National took control of the Beehive in 2008, debt was […]
The FIRE economy – built on finance, insurance and real estate – is now the world’s principal source of wealth creation. Its rise has transformed our political, economic and social landscapes, supported by a neoliberal regime that celebrates markets, profit and risk. From rising inequality and ballooning household debt to a global financial crisis and […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder The Chinese stock market crash has been described as far worse than the 1929 stock market crash as that happened over months. China’s stock market has dropped by 30% ($3.4 Trillion) in three weeks and its only begun. Here in New Zealand Aotearoa the land of the long white cloud […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder The Chinese stock exchange took a 5.9% plunge of approximately $3.5 trillion dollars on Wednesday. Foreign traders have sold Chinese shares at a record pace this week over the Chinese government’s meddling in markets. The Prime minister John key has been informing the public how New Zealand is not immune to the […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder In a TVNZ interview Prime minister John Key blamed the Greek people for not paying their taxes properly like it was “hobby”. To be realistic tax avoidance has been overstated as the cause of the Greek Financial crisis . Prime minister Key a former derivatives trader doesn’t want you to […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder The biggest threat to New Zealand economic security is not men living in caves in Afghanistan or ISIS in Iraq the threat is much closer to home, Neo-Liberal advisors in the New Zealand Treasury. Neo-Liberalism is a moral and intellectual justification for greed. A way for those few who accumulate wealth, […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder The average wage of a New Zealand CEO is now 100 times of the average worker, In Europe it’s only 26 times. We have the biggest inequality gap between the wealthy and poor in the OECD nations. The economy is suffering because money is circulating between a privileged few. New Zealand […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder With the new Yashili Chinese milk factory opening in Pokeno this will permit Chinese firms to export New Zealand milk solids without New Zealand receiving the lion’s share of income from our primary industry. The people’s republic of China has an immigration waiver as employees of Chinese firms so essentially Yashili […]