By Mihaere Emery -Kaitoko – Te Rau Korowai I share a quote from a song by Kora called Politician: Poli, Poli, Poli, Politician can u make a right decision for all of us yeeeah, for all of us. X2 You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk and bring us comfort and […]
Mana Vice President John Minto It’s obvious to most that if current Minister of Social Housing Paula Bennett or the Prime Minister’s mother had faced the sorts of hurdles today’s low-income families face then neither would be in leading political roles today. State housing news last week was headlined with the National government decision to […]
Mana vice president John Minto Callous government prepares to asset strip state housing in Tamaki The government decision to hand over 2,800 state houses in Glen Innes, Point England and Panmure to the Tamaki Redevelopment Company is asset-stripping state housing and will result in greater struggle for low-income tenants and families. “This is a nasty […]
Mana leader Hone Harawira TONY ABBOT IS A RACIST BASTARD Hone Harawira, MANA leader May 1 2015, Wellington NZ May 1st is International Labour Day, a day when we commemorate the fight for workers to have decent working conditions and wages. May 1st is also HE TAUA Day, a day when we honour those who brought […]
President of Mana Pasifika Will ‘Ilolahia Co-founder of the Polynesian Panther Party Will ‘Ilolahia will be speaking at Auckland’s STOP THE FORCED CLOSURE of ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES Rally at The Britomart, Queen St, 6pm Friday 1st May because in 1972 he was arrested in Australia on behave of the Aboriginals Land Struggle. Will also stood together with fellow […]
Please download the MS word document and after its completed email it back to Tracey lee Repia. [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”] Dates June 5 – June 7 Location Waipapa Marae (Auckland Uni) Address: 16 Wynyard Street Auckland New Zealand
The continued Genocide of Aboriginal Communities Monday 20 April 2015 “The last time I was in Canberra was for SORRY DAY 2008, when I listened to Kevin Rudd apologise to generations of Aboriginal people for the theft of their lands, the destruction of their culture, and the dehumanising of their people” said Hone Harawira, leader […]
Mana News editor Joe Trinder Yesterday I was accused of being a left wing conspiracy theorist loony for not revealing my sources on who overheard the John Campbell conversation. The critics attempted to put Mana News on a pedestal and make comments like “You have let Mana down and the left down”. First off the left […]
Dates June 5 – June 7 Location Waipapa Marae Address: 16 Wynyard Street Auckland New Zealand Map Google maps Facebook event click here Tena koutou, the dates and venue for our AGM in 2015 have been confirmed for 5-7 June 2015 at Waipapa Marae (Auckland Uni) Auckland. Please let current and intending MANA Members know so we have a […]
Ian Daynes Tamaki rohe With several months having gone since the general election, it is perhaps possible to see the events of that time with an increasing amount of clarity. As we all know, the Internet-Mana party was attacked at its weakest point, as everything hinged on Hone retaining his seat in his electorate. […]