Mana News editor Joe Trinder The biggest threat to New Zealand economic security is not men living in caves in Afghanistan or ISIS in Iraq the threat is much closer to home, Neo-Liberal advisors in the New Zealand Treasury. Neo-Liberalism is a moral and intellectual justification for greed. A way for those few who accumulate wealth, […]
Mana vice president John Minto Environmental destruction and the blatant abuse of the law by National Party-linked businesses are at the heart of swamp kauri exports from the far north. Contractors are destroying Northlands remaining wetlands and polluting local waterways as they rip out kauri preserved for tens of thousands of years. The kauri logs […]
MARISE LANT Minister of Maori Development Te Ururoa Flavell says proposed reforms to the law governing Maori land will result in less red tape and give Maori rangatiratanga over their lands. But less than five days before a national round of consultation began, he dumped a draft bill in excess of 400 sections in excess […]
A joint grassroots initiative between the Maori Party and the Mana Movement in Tamaki Makaurau rohe for working together. This meeting will be a historical event and opportunity for greater cooperation between our organisations. Tamaki Makaurau Māori-Mana Hui Location- Nga Whare Waatea Marae Address -Calthorpe close Mangere Auckland Time- 10am -12pm Day- Sunday Date- 21st June
Mana News Joe Trinder We had a burglary at Mana office Te Hiku must have been the night we were on our way home from the AGM. Had to wait 3 days for the Police to take fingerprints as there are alot of burglaries on at the moment in the Far North. They stole 2 […]
Mana Leader Hone Harawira I know that it sounds a bit strange, but even now I run into Maori Party people who ask me “when are MANA and the Maori Party going to get together?” and some of them still say stuff like “I wish you were still with us” and “we miss you”. Mind […]
Mana Vice president John Minto It’s not because John Key is a great Prime Minister. It’s not because National has policies that New Zealand loves and it’s not even that the right wing media give John Key a free ride. It’s none of these. The reason the left fails to defeat National is because the […]
Mana News housing editor Tahu Wilson At the MANA Hui A Tau this past weekend we were asked a question during breakfast about Housing NZ and the sell-off of state houses – a major campaign for MANA at the moment. The question was, “I am the head of Housing NZ and you are in my office […]
Mana Leader Hone Harawira “We had our AGM over the weekend” said MANA leader and Tai Tokerau MP Hone Harawira “and I was blown away by the resilience of our crew, their inventiveness and their courage in helping drive the campaigns that are involved in all round the country” “Since the election MANA members have […]
Pat Odea Climate change editor The memory of leadership and leadership abandoned “All men are created equal” ABRAHAM LINCOLN “Quit India” MAHATMA GANDHI “We shall never surrender” WINSTON CHURCHILL “I have a dream” MARTIN LUTHER KING “The ideal of an equal society… It is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.” NELSON MANDELA […]