Mana vice president John Minto Small acts of civil disobedience like this are an appropriate response to the vicious attacks on workers’ rights mounted by the infamous Talley brothers Back in the 1980s I was involved in the campaign to isolate South Africa because of its racist apartheid system. Appeals for boycotts were made as […]
These details are subject to change and events may be added to this list, so make sure you check in on for the latest updates ahead of TPPA Action Week. If you want to organise something in your area, please Kerikeri 15 August protest, meet outside Kerikeri library at 11am. Hokianga 15 August […]
Mana leader Hone Harawira Kia ora koutou, I got heaps of responses to my LETTER TO OBAMA. 99% supportive, and the others … well … you can’t please ‘em all. Anyway, I thought I’d reply to some of those ‘other’ people’s concerns. So – for those people who were upset at my writing style … […]
By Moana Maniapoto On Monday 3rd August, claimants received the decision on whether the Waitangi Tribunal will grant an urgent hearing on the Trans-Pacific Partnership applications for an urgent hearing. The Tribunal sees the scope for “significant prejudice to Māori” and made the comment that the Crown treats Māori as “domestic stakeholders, not Treaty partners”. The […]
Ben Peterson Last weekend, negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) broke down. Representatives from 12 Pacific nations had met in Hawaii for negotiations that aimed to create the biggest trade agreement ever. For anti-TPPA activists, this delay is a welcome break. But the trade deal is far from finished. The delay is an important […]
Mana leader Hone Harawira “Unfortunately we’re not going to get an urgency hearing” said Hone Harawira, MANA leader and former Tai Tokerau MP, of the claim that government negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) were in breach of the Treaty of Waitangi. “The Tribunal did note that government’s consultation with Maori had been ‘limited […]
Mana Vice president John Minto Our Inland Revenue Department has a “High Wealth Individuals Unit” (HWI Unit) which collects information on the wealth of “people who have, or are in control of wealth over $50 million” For the 2014 year, the HWI Unit has identified over 212 people who meet this criteria and furthermore these […]
Mana leader Hone Harawira “I’m glad we took the TPPA to the Tribunal” says MANA leader Hone Harawira and former MP for Tai Tokerau, in regards to the claim before the Waitangi Tribunal that the government’s negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement are in breach of the Treaty of Waitangi. “They’ve refused to make the […]