Roschana Webby TPP will supposedly help ‘the good people of Oxford that make chutneys and olives and all sorts of things, to sell their products in Japan and the US’. There are 12 countries involved in these negotiations. Surely this is about more than chutney.Many people assume that the TPP is merely about ‘Free Trade’ […]
Angeline Greensill Six applications and nine interested parties are seeking an urgent hearing in the Waitangi Tribunal arguing that the TPPA would breach the Treaty of Waitangi. The Tribunal will decide today whether to give the claim urgency. The Crown says it is too late to stop it and refused to give an undertaking not to make […]
Naani Abercrombie A quick analysis of the Property Tax Measures to be introduced in October suggests these will do little to curb the Auckland housing bubble. The Government and their cronies have used a newfound intolerance of xenophobia to distract us from the fact that they are doing nothing to soften the demand side of […]
By Mike Nixon A number of us are deeply concerned by the trivialising of the killing and eating of the native wood pigeon, kereru. It was very offensive for me to see a reporter on 7 Sharp trying to make a joke about it all by offering what was presented as kereru to members of […]
Mana News- Hilda Halkyard-Harawira Me tupu i a wīwiī me tupu i a wāwā, turia ki te wera, me piri tonu ki te korito o te rengarenga, me whakapakari ki te hua o te kawariki. Flourish in many places as you face the fires of adversity; cling to the heart of the rengarenga as sustenance […]
Mana vice president John Minto Invercargill is on the front line of National’s attack on state housing and there is an historic responsibility on the city to resist this policy – to fight it and defeat it. E nga whare ki tu nei – Lindisfarne Community Centre – tena koe E nga tangata whenua o […]
Pat Odea climate change editor The shops are still full of food and the farms and factories cannot be towed away. Presumably the agricultural and industrial base of Greece is just as productive as it was before the financial crisis. Afterall is said and done, financial transactions and money are only a means of exchanging […]
Mana Vice president John Minto National has such a long and shameful history of racism that when a National minister accuses someone of playing the race card then we know the government is deeply embarrassed about whatever issue is being discussed. Housing Minister Nick Smith has made the accusation against Labour’s housing spokesperson Phil Twyford […]
By Marise Lant If you oppose the Te Ture Whenua Maori Bill 2015 as a descendant of Tipuna who were recruited into the 28th Maori Battalion, who were instrumental in the protection of Maori lands. Please download and complete this form and mail your submission to TPK. [embeddoc url=”āori-Exposure-Bill-2015-Individual-Draft-Form.docx” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]
The FIRE economy – built on finance, insurance and real estate – is now the world’s principal source of wealth creation. Its rise has transformed our political, economic and social landscapes, supported by a neoliberal regime that celebrates markets, profit and risk. From rising inequality and ballooning household debt to a global financial crisis and […]