Mana Tamaki Hui Fri 20th Feb 6pm

Mana Tamaki Hui Fri 20th Feb 6pm

Kia ora Day Friday Date 20th Feb 2015 Time 6pm Location Unite Union 6a Western spring rd Kingsland Auckland Topics  Housing Sat 21st Sept housing Hui in Panmure Minto’s back -John Minto is back from his new home in Christchurch Northland byelection –Rueben Taipari Porter is the new candidate for northland how can Mana Tamaki assist General […]

Mana Meeting west Auckland 17th Feb

Mana Meeting west Auckland 17th Feb

Mana meeting Vegan food, planing and propaganda session.  Tuesday 17th of Feb  54 a Fruitvale Rd New Lynn  Start time bang on 7:30 Come to ranch sliders at the front.

Hosking declares Iwi self governance bollocks.

Hosking declares Iwi self governance bollocks.

Seven Sharp presenter Mike Hosking has called Iwi self governance bollocks and determined it is separatism. Mike Hosking who has little tolerance of Mana leader Hone Harawira and pronounces his name “Honay Harawherea”. Today in the New Zealand Herald declared that Iwi self governance is bollocks. With the on going debate about Iwi self determination […]

Have we ran the country together?

Have we ran the country together?

The Prime minister John Key recently announced “New Zealand where we co-habitated and ran the country together.” The prime ministerial amnesia has entirely forgotten he is the 38th pakeha prime minister of New Zealand. Mr Key doesn’t understand why the Westminster democratic system is not working for Maori and  is determined to prevent Iwi self determination […]

SLATER LOGIC: Guess work on Mana News

SLATER LOGIC: Guess work on Mana News

Cameron Slater from Whaleoil has accused Martyn Bomber Bradbury of writing for the Mana News –Accusing Martyn of being Wrongly-Wrongson when Mr Bradbury doesn’t write articles for Mana News. We would encourage Mr Slater to get his facts right.

The hollow men attack Iwi self-determination

The hollow men attack Iwi self-determination

Mana news analysis of the National party’s components attacking Iwi self-determination seemed too well coordinated. After a comparison with Nicky Hagers book the hollow men it appears the Orewa hate speech strategy is being recycled. The Tax payers union in concert with whale oil attacked Iwi on alleged tax evasion despite claiming to be non-partisan. The public accepts the Tax payers […]

The Declaration and the Treaty

The Declaration and the Treaty

He Whakaputanga me te Tiriti The Declaration and the Treaty: The Report on Stage 1 of the Te Paparahi o Te Raki Inquiry   Waitangi Tribunal (Wai 1040, 2014) 14 November 2014   Report by Professor David V Williams     Summary   Te Paparahi o Te Raki district comprises all territories north of Auckland […]

Migrant Workers

Migrant Workers

  Roshni Sami -Internet Mana candidate The 2013 Census revealed a New Zealand of increasing ethnic diversity – 213 ethnic groups to be exact.  New Zealand, and Auckland in particular, can now be classified as “super diverse”, according to Massey University humanities and social sciences research director Professor Paul Spoonley.  We now have over one million […]

Human rights the new yardstick

Human rights the new yardstick

 Mana vice president John Minto If standing up for human rights is the new yardstick let’s have a lot more of it and closer to home… On Waitangi Day the Prime Minister criticised the “left” of politics as not wanting to do anything about ISIS and went on to say: “New Zealand is not going […]



 Mana leader Hone Harawira 175 years after the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Ngapuhi stands poised to play a pivotal role in what the treaty might mean for the next 175 years. And that is hugely important because while government has already signed ‘full and final’ deals with most iwi, including the big ones […]