“No New Coal Mines”

Pat3       Pat O’Dea Mana News climate change editor




Panui, Panui, Panui!

At 2pm on the Monday of the Labour Weekend break, 27 October 2014. Auckland Coal Action is calling a protest rally on the roadside opposite where Fonterra say they are planning to develop a new coal mine in North East Waikato at Mangatangi.

Coal is the number one most destructive fossil fuel for the climate. But you all probably already knew that.

Green Party and Mana Party policy is “NO NEW COAL MINES!”

Auckland Coal Action is trying to put this policy into action on the ground.

ACA after a hard fought two year campaign waged alongside local residents and Iwi, in which we effectively engaged in challenging, and delaying and embarrassing Fonterra over their plans for the mine; Citing the price of coal as the reason, Stephanie Halliwell spokesperson for Fonterra is now saying Fonterra “may defer development of the mine”.

Auckland Coal Action are calling for one more big push to make Fonterra understand that we are serious in our demand that they halt their mine permanently.

And that a coal free Aotearoa and a coal free world starts with “no new coal mines”.

So forget whatever other plans you had for this long weekend Monday

Join us at the “MAKE THE DEFERMENT PERMANENT” rally this upcoming Labour weekend Monday at 2pm.

If you are unable to join us, please spread this message as widely as possible, and please urge all your friends and contacts who may be able to make it, to join us at Mangatangi.

A free bus or ten seater van (depending on the demand) plus car pooling are leaving from from various Auckland locations to the protest rally, and back again. For details go to the website.

Here is the link: http://aucklandcoalaction.org/2014/10/11/labour-weekend-monday-protest-against-fonterras-proposed-coal-mine-at-mangatawhiri/

<a href=’http://aucklandcoalaction.org/2013/08/26/we-will-stop-your-mine/’Pat O’Dea is the Mana Movement spokesperson for climate change